12 weeks to Port

Sea Cliff Bridge. Just another ordinary day to be out training on the bike.
12 weeks to Port
Changing my plan a little bit now. I decided to keep the volume up slightly more during my recovery weeks. I think it is more important to focus on training consistently from week to week, rather then have a recovery week every 3-4 weeks with a big drop off in volume. Instead during this recovery week I’ll only drop my total volume by around a 1/3 of my weekly total. I will eliminate most of the intensity from my training sessions. However, I’ll start doing to TT efforts in each discipline to monitor my progress. For instance, between now and Port I’ll aim to do at least 2 x 180km TT and 2 x Big Training Days (ie 1hr swim, 5hr ride, 1 hr run).
Run: 12.9km 1:05 (av hr 142bpm). did a 2km warmup. 4 x 1km efforts at Aet-steady (145-150). Spilts were 4:18, 4:31, 4:46, 4:52. Lack of running has shown here with the big drop off in pace. Didn't let my hr exceed 150bpm at all. Leg felt great. My second run over an hr now. Will do this session each week and build it up to a med run of 1:30. Once I'm there I'll increase my intervals up to 2-5km. For now I'll stay with 1km efforts until I'm comfortably holding 4:30's again with an even hr and RPE.
Bike: 160km 5:30 (av hr 128bpm). Rode around the lake, then Jamberoo, Kiama and North to Austimer. Main set was 4x 20min efforts at Aet (135bpm). I started each 20min TT at the beginning of each hr of the ride. On the last TT I rode mod-hard (140+bpm).
Run: 11.6km 1:00 (av hr 133bpm). A nice run through Bewarra National Park. It was raining lightly. HR stayed pretty low throughout the run. Leg was until until the 40-45min mark. It was sore for about 5-10min then it came good again.
Total rest day
Total rest day
Bike: 44km 1:35 (av hr 120). Rode from Berrara to the Highway and then around Sussex. I did 1 x 18min (av hr 131bpm) av sp 32.9kph. Rolling terrain. Felt good in the TT position.
Run: 6km 0:29 (av hr 142). Easy run out to Towardgi and back. Felt good to be running well under 5min k’s and have my hr still be Aet.
Bike: 58.7km 1:55 (av hr 134). Rode with Scotty (aka animal). Every ride with Scott ends up with an av sp over 30. Today it was 31.2kph. Its pretty good to av any ride in Wollongong over 30 as we have so many hills and rollers. Did a 20min effort towards the end of the ride. We were sitting on 36-40kph most of the time. Hr was starting to climb up into the high 140’s (Hard) towards the end. Keeping my speed up over 38kph now takes some concentration but it is getting easier which is a good sign.
Run: 10.1km 55.05 (av hr 127). Easy to Aet run around berrara Nat Park. Legs felt good after this morning ride.
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