I'm Back

It's been 9 days since my operation and I went for my first ride today. I'm pretty dam excited at the moment. I have endorphins running through my body again and my 1.5hr very easy ride went well. No issues with the leg at all.
On my long rides down along Akawarra river, I can usually get in a solid 5hrs of riding without a single red light to contend with. However, as the photo shows I do need to deal with these minor obstacles. There are around 7-8 on the way out and then the same again coming back. Each time I need to click out to get through these things. I really knocks your av sp right down on the bike. Overall though I would take these anyday over riding through the city.
Stay tuned. I'm totally pumped at the moment to keep ramping up my training over the next 6-7 months in preparation for Japan. I've done 4 IM's now and in all cases I only ever averaged around 10-11 hr PW. In most cases I have set myself back with overuse injuries and inconistent training. This time around I really want to boost my training up to over 15hrs PW on average. This will include recovery weeks.
I'm going to start my 20wk IM program next week with Scotty H. The only difference being that when he enters build 1 I'll stay in the base phase cycle until I'm 20wks out from Japan and then I'll run through the program. Prior to my operation I was focusing mainly on my running. I was up to running consistently around 5 times PW (5-6hrs)and once I'm fully recovered I think I'll continue with the run focus for at least another 2-3 months, before I move over to the bike.
Thats about it from me for now. Hope everyone is well
Talk soon
Paul- a 10:06 PR on 10-11hr ave weeks of training!?
That is amazing stuff- it will be very interesting to follow your progress next year when you can lift those training hours higher. Keep it rolling- glad to hear you are back at it!
Thanks Mike,
10-11hrs doesn't seem much until you see how I broke it down. For starters I never swam. I spent 6mths back in 1997 swimming my ass off around 5-6 times PW with 1.5-2hr sessions. I did my first IM with a swim time of 54min. Every since then I can get away with swimming very very little. My worst swim to date has been 58min. I only swim 1-2 sessions PW of 1hr.
On bike I rode regularly around 8-10 hrs PW, some weeks were around 12-13. I was very consistent with my riding and built up all my fitness on the bike. Hence my 5:11 at that race. The run was a different story. I was plagued with injuries and only averaged around 2 hrs PW of running. I was lucky to run 3hrs some weeks, hence the 3:58 run. I think my bike fitness carried me through alot! that day. It was the easiest and fastest bike split I have ever achieved and I put that down to very consistent training with enough volume on the bike.
One thing that I think really stands out is that my results are directly related to consisntency and volume. When I'm consistent and my volume is up my results always show through and vice versa. I never kill myself with individual sessions, but found that I could develop some good levels of deep fatigue that would result in big pops in strength on the bike by riding alot (ie frequency protocol, sound fimilar). I would ride 3 x 2hr ride during the week with 1 long ride on the weekend. I never went really long on the long ride, which I think in hindsight was a mistake. I should of completed a heap more 6-7 hr rides to really address that last 1/4 of the bike leg in an IM. If you look at my training log now I'm already building up a big bank of 5hr rides, soon to be 6hrs rides. It gets easier the more you do it.
These same principles occured with my 1:21 1/2 marathon time. It all came off very consistent training. Thats the secret to success.
Success doesn't come from training hard with all these fluffy duffy high intensity sessions. it comes from just outraining people through consisntecy, frequnecy, volume and getting out there when no-one else will. Thats why I enjoyed you rainy day post soo much.
Keep rolling
Hi there, You gave me a real LAUGH to see a comment on "my" "blog"!! Now I'll have to get to it and make up one. I used to work with Kirk "way back when" with tree planting! I'm into a bit of training but NOTHING like you guys "anymore". I'll fill ya in on my "blog" once I get it up and going as to what I used to do too. You guys are fast, interesting reading both yours and kirk's blog! Unreal your in Japan and with just a click of a button I get mail! :) Careful with the training but glad to hear your able to get back to it! Esther :)
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