week ending 22/10/06

Steve, Sue and Katrina (aka Buns!) having dinner together.

Photo: Our view from the 46 floor at one of the Government buildings in Shinjuki

Photo: katrina and I. Fine dining and good company
Goal this week
Absorb the last 2 weeks of training by having a 4 day recovery period. I don't think I need a full week at this stage yet. Test out the endurance with a bike and run TT at Aet and then do again in 6 weeks time to track progress.
Run: (39:30sec), 7km, av hr 126bpm. very easy recovery run. feeling tired and heavy in the legs. Still did a PB by 1:30. Looking forward to taking it easy over the next four days. legs are feeling a little sore. I need to watch this. Don't want an injury
Bike: (1hr), 25km, av hr 102bpm. av power 178. recovery ride out to the pool and then along the river. Peroneals werea little twitchy this morning
Run: (40min), 119bpm. 7km. Damm what is happening here. I know I had a few short stops but I can't ever recall my av hr being that low before. Am I nuked!
Run (51min) 10k TT track, av hr 141bpm. 800m splits were: 3:42/123, 4:00/142, 4:06/141, 4:11/139, 4:10/142, 4:08/142, 4:07/142, 4:09/142, 4:06/143, 4:05/144, 4:06/141, 4:04/140, 400m 2:02/141
I'm 1min and 1bpm off my goal time at Aet. I did the test in the afternoon and found that my hr was all over the place (coffee maybe). But anyway happy to be running 5:06min/k's at this stage. Goal is to test again in 6 wks time and try and break 50min.
Bike: (55min), av hr 106bpm. Easy ride to and from the track.
Run: 10km Time trial test on the track. Goal is to break 50min with an av hr below Aet (ie 140bpm). It has never happened before. The closest I have come is an av hr of 144bpm.
Bike: (5:10), 135km, av hr 112bpm, av sp 26.2kph. Frustrating ride with all the lights etc. Still getting in a good 5 hrs. Legs felt great, did a little TTing in the last 1.5hrs at lower range of IMpace (130ish).
Run: (30min), 6.3km, av hr 145bpm. Legs felt really good so decided to run steady to upper steady. Sat on 4:45min/'s for the first 2km as a check, then ran at same RPE for the rest of the way
Bike: (1hr), 25km. Very light ride today. legs a little sore around the knees so I decided to can the run and just spin the legs out.
Swim: (1.15)
Bike: (8.35)
Run: (2:41)
Total: 12:31.
A good recovery week. Feeling much fresher as of Sunday and I am ready to do another 2 week build up again. Will aim for close to 20hrs this week and then try to break 20hrs next week. Will keep everything below Aet in effort and keep focusing on holding good form when I get tired. Overall I feel as though I'm travelling along pretty well. Will need to spend more time stretching and watching what I eat. Must make sure I'm getting in the right recovery foods straight after each workout.
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