Day trip down to Odaiba
The photos below are from a day trip Buns and I did to Odaiba. It's a nice place full of shops for the buns and artifical beaches for me. It's about the closest thing we have over here to the Gold Coast.

Aqua city and that amazing building with the big ball. Aqua city is full of restaurants and shops to keep the buns busy for hours and hours.

Just one of the many bridges that gets lit up at night. I really enjoy doing runs along this river. The views are forever changing

Rainbow Bridge
It's been 2 days since the operation and I seem to be recovering well. I can walk around again on my leg and the wounds seem to be healing well too.
There won't be any training being done probably until around Thursday or Friday of next week. Hopefully by then I'll be able to get back into some light runing and riding.
I thought it would be a good time to push those operations photos down the page a little bit.

Aqua city and that amazing building with the big ball. Aqua city is full of restaurants and shops to keep the buns busy for hours and hours.

Just one of the many bridges that gets lit up at night. I really enjoy doing runs along this river. The views are forever changing

Rainbow Bridge
It's been 2 days since the operation and I seem to be recovering well. I can walk around again on my leg and the wounds seem to be healing well too.
There won't be any training being done probably until around Thursday or Friday of next week. Hopefully by then I'll be able to get back into some light runing and riding.
I thought it would be a good time to push those operations photos down the page a little bit.
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