week ending 5/11/07

Photo 1
Nothing was left dry after 1 hr on the new fluid trainer

Photo 2
I was too busy here to worry about smiling for the camera.

Photo 3
1hr later and there must of been at least a litre of sweat on the floor.
Goal for the week
School Holidays this week. Will need to balance traveling away and training. Hopefully I can break 20hrs this week and keep the missus happy ;-)
Bike: (5:45), 162km, av hr 128bpm, av power 233. Did 2 x20k TT. The first one in the 1st hr and the 2nd one in the last hour of the ride
1. distance: 20.36km, time 36:21, av sp 33kph, av hr 142bpm, Power av 285 watts
2. Distance: 20.39km, time: 38.16, av sp 31.6kph, av hr 144bpm, Power av 283watts. This TT was into a developing headwind.
I have a good base to work on now. I'm glad I was able to maintain the same watts on the second TT. In between I rode easy to steady (lower range). legs feel good.
Run: (37min), 7km, av hr 131bpm. The first 15min were good, then I hit abig sugar low for about 10min. I came good again and ended up running a PB for this marked out loop
Bike: (1.5hrs), 36km, av hr 108bpm. rode out to Shinjuki. ran around the park for 1:15 and then rode home. Good to spin the legs out
Run: (1:15), 14.5km, 130bpm. Did 4 loops of yoyoggi park today. Running well. felt good in the legs and light on the feet. The durability/efficiency is improving.
Bike: (2:25hrs), 76km, av sp 26.06km, av hr 113bpm, av power 208watts. Little tired this morning. Legs are carrying over some fatigue from the last couple of days training. Canned the BG when I noticed that I couldn't get my hr up. Rode easy to Aet the rest of the way.
rest day
Run: (2hrs), 21km, av hr 121bpm. Wow what a spectacular place to run. I was up in a little town called Nikko, which basically snows ove rin winter. headed out for an early (6am) LSD run which turned into quite an adventure. Ran hiils, mountains, river trails, trails to temples, trails to Hot springs. This was probably the most scenic run I have ever done. Check out the blogger for photos.
Run: (53min), 10km, 128bpm. legs were pretty stiff after yesterdays long run. came good. Ran a better then expected
Bike: (4hrs), 110km, av hr 118bpm. av power 173 watts. Rode easy for the first 2 hrs down to Yokohoma. Did a 30min TT @ IMpace (lower range). Found the industrial site where all the cyclists meet. Hit 1 lap hard with the pack. Man we were flying 45kph. This went for about 15min and had an av power of 280watts. it felt good to wind it up a little. legs feel great after a big week of training
Run: (1:20), 15.88km, av hr 124bpm. Got lost today with the buns on the bike. Pace was quite quick, but hr was low, probably fatigue. legs felt good though at the end of a very big week of training. The running frequency protocol is working great
Total for the week
swim: nil
bike: 14:10hrs
run: 6:05hrs
Total: 20:15hrs
Genki desu-ka? (my poor attempt at japanese)
Ooof- trainer time. I'll probably have to get on mine at some point soon. Have only been on the bike once since IMC.
Nice to see someone else sticking to the aerobic running out there. Question for you re: your zones. You mention top of zone 1 HR as 142 for you and training at around 7+ beats under that on average. Is 142 top of FRIEL Z1?
If so, I'm pretty close since top of my Friel Z1 is 157 and I'm currently focused on keeping it under 150 (7 or more bpm under top of Z1). Glad to hear it is working for you since, initially, it sure can be a pain running so slowly.
*sorry about the long post*
Cheers for the support Mike,
I'll be following your progress closely. What race are you targeting?
Great pics as usual, I am printing them off the show people "my trip to Japan"
It will be fun to follow your progress as we train over here for Roth, only a week after Japan.
Keep training.
Dave C
Cheers Dave,
Just looked at IM Germany homepage. I'm thinking of doing it instead of Japan. Not sure yet. It will either be Japan next year then Germany the following year or vice versa. I just noticed that it's already been filled up. Would this be right? Have you entered yet?
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