Week 2 of 3: Bike focus ending 28/10/07

I've just order a pair of Newton running shoes. I'm hopping this will move my feet from being 80-90% injury free up to 100% injury free.
Very happy with last weeks training. My hours are slowly and safely getting closer and closer to my goal of being able to consistently do 18-22hr training weeks.
It’s all about the bike this week. My aim is to hit around 13-15hrs on the bike. I want to do a fixed gear ride on Wednesday as part of the third ride in a 24hr block. This will be a strength session. I also want to start pushing my long ride out to over 5hr regularly. This will also include some strength work towards the end of the session.
I’ll keep focusing on just frequency with my running by trying to absorb as many 30-50minute runs as I possibly can. I think I’m ready to start moving one run a week up over 1hr to around 1:15 soon too.
Hope everyone is having a good week.
Run: (40min), 127bpm, 7.5km
The lowest av HR run ever. Pace still felt good. Efficiency and economy must be improving. Feet good.
Corework: (1hr)
Combination of abs, swim bands and stretching.
Bike: (2:05), 52.5km, av hr 105bpm
This is the lowest av hr I have ever seen with a 25kph average speed. Not sure whats going on. Rode easy with Noel as he has just returned from a lower back injury
Bike: (1;11), av hr 111bpm, 32km
easy to aet effort. Getting dark so quickly now. Reduced to riding in and around city centre. traffic is a nightmare. May have to bring out the W/T soon
Bike: (1;45), av hr 102bpm, 44km
Adjusted my cleats last night. left inside knee has been getting sore. Moved cleats inwards and this small adjustment felt alot better on this ride. decide not to do the fixed gear session, until I'm used to new cleat position.
Swim: (1hr), 2.5km
10min free
10min bouy, holding perfect stroke
chase set
25, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150, 200. 20sec RI, I started 5sec ahead Noel and we had to keep adding on 25m until I caught him. Did that at 125 and then again 200.
10 x 25m tempo, no breathes on 1mincycle.
10min drill
5min kick
on the case set I was able to hold around1:20-1:25/100 pace. feeling good in the water considering how much I'm not swimming.
Run: (56min), 10km, av hr 136bpm
Starting to get up to 1hr again. Everything feels good. My knee was 10/10 and my feet are about 8/10.
Ran 9min on, 1min walk.
30min easy
10min fartlek (145bpm cap)
10min lower steady (140bpm)
Typhoon hit us today. No training, plus I had to work at the school festival all day.
Bike: (4.5hrs), 119km, av hr 117bpm.
Starting to get up to 1hr again. Everything feels good. My knee was 10/10 and my feet are about 8/10.
Ran 9min on, 1min walk.
30min easy
10min fartlek (145bpm cap)
10min lower steady (140bpm)
Swim 1:00
Bike 9:31
Run 2:08
Other 2:00
Total 14:39
I was a little ticked off with the typhoon on Saturday and having to work. was heading for a bigger week. Next week I'm going to aim for a PB in terms of volume. My current biggest week ever has been 22hr anything over that will be a bonus. I'll probably aim to ride 5-6 sessions and run around 6-7 sessions and do 1-2 swims. Most of the volume will come from the bike as I'm continuing with my bike focus right up to January next year.
Great work.
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