
Fluro's Ironman Training (FIT)

Face your fears live your dreams

Monday, September 10, 2007

Week ending 16/9/2007

Week 2 of 3: Bike focus

I have 2 big BT sessions to complete this week. The first BT session is a Tuesday/Wednesday combo where I’ll ride 3 sessions in a little over 24hrs. My aim is to ride Tuesday morning 2hrs and then Tuesday afternoon for 1.5hrs. I’m then going to back this up again Wednesday morning with another 1.5hr ride. There’ll be no intensity inserted into any of these rides. The focus will be just riding at an easy pace and making sure I recover well, afterwards.
My second BT session for the week will be my long ride on Sunday. I’ll aim for 4-5hrs with 1-2 hrs of lower steady efforts (ie Aet -5bpm) broken up into 20min blocks. Once again the primary focus will be on addressing my fat burners and developing my endurance.
Everything else for the week will be centred around improving my economy and efficiency below Aet, with some small main sets focusing on Strength.
Swim: Pool closed for maintenance
Run: (40min). No hr, Just ran off RPE.
20min easy then 6 x 30sec strides with a 90sec RI

Triple bike session (BT 1)
Bike: (2hrs), 50km
easy spin for 1hr
High cadence work 120rpm for 1min, 2 min RI. x 5
I gear harder each time.
Bike: (1.15), 33km
SCR only kept hr right down and cadence up. Legs felt pretty good after this morning ride.

Bike: (1:45), 46km
aerobic ride. SCR. Kept the weight off the pedals and worked on efficiency as much as possible. Third ride in 24hrs and I'm feeling some pretty good deep fatigue.

Very Happy. 158k's of riding in just over 24hrs. This is a great way to support the weekend long ride. I will build this up to 3 x 2 hrs and eventually 180k's in just over 24hr period. I feel like I am addressing some good deep fatigue with this triple ride.

Run: (33min), 6km
20min easy
(3min at Aet, 1min easy)
feet were only a 5/10 today. Changing things up helps.

Total rest day

Bike: (3hrs), 75km,
Easy to aet ride. Working on soft pedalling as much as possible. Got to keep the pressure off my foot pads.
Run: (23min), 4km
2 laps of the park then 2 laps of the stairs. Felt much stronger running today. Although I need to get the HR down below 145bpm.
Swim: (1hr), 2km
200 W/U
main set
500, 400, 300, 200, 100 20sec rest

Bike: (4hrs), 110km.
5 laps of the warf.
3 laps easy. 1/2 lap BG and one whole lap BG.
Felt lousy for the first 2hrs of this ride (late night last night) but then came good towards the end.

Swim 1hr
Bike 12hrs
Run 1.5hrs
other 2hrs

Total: 16.5hrs

A good week this week. I'm hitting all my bike and run targets. Swimming is still a little down, but I'm not worried about that at this stage. The focus is on the bike.


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5:53 pm  

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