week ending 8/7/07
Goal this week is to swim as much as possible. Slowly add some more sessions on the bike and keep focusing on nutrtition and recovery.
Swim: (1;10), 3.5km.
20min free B/L
20min drill
15-25's max no breathing on 45sec
5- 50's hard on 1:15 coming in under 35
4-100 negative split (1;30, 1:28, 1:26, 1:23)
easy 200. shoulder were tired by this stage.
Bike (1:23), 38km, av hr 116bpm. Rode easy to Aet most of the way. Did some TT efforts (Impace) at the end and finished off with 4 stomps, new PB is now 48.3kph.
Feet felt very good.
Massage (1hr). Toe problem felt really good today, but my left PF is still killing to have massaged. I'm starting to think the arch support on the left side is too high.
Swim (50min), 2.5km,
20min free mix of aet and mod-hard
15min drill
10-50 hard keeping everything under 40sec. 20sec RI
200 mod-hard
200 cool down
Bike: (1:40), 45km. 115bpm. Easy to Aet ride.
Swim (3km), 50min. Kamakura swim race
Had a great swim. Managed to get into the front pack after but 500m. I had to work hard to get up to them. Glad I did though. For the next 40min everything felt comfortable and I was holding feet the whole way. Worked past the pack with 500m to go and was in 2nd place. Took a wrong turn and had to be redirected back onto the course by a guy on a surf ski. I was in around 5th spot with around 200m to go. Kicked hard and moved up to 4th place. Very happy with my extra gear I have in the swim. Alot of srpint work has helped with the changes of speed and direction you get in ocean swims.

Bike (2:43), 75km, av hr 117bpm.
Very easy for the first 1.5 hrs and then we picked up the pace laping around the warf. Managed to do a break away with two other guys and I hit a new PB TTing at 48.3kph. We held off the pack for around 5km sitting on 45kph whenever I took my turn. It's the highest I've had my hr (177bpm) on the flats in a very long time. legs and feet felt great.
Happy days at the moment. My feet are feeling better.
Swim: (1;10), 3.5km.
20min free B/L
20min drill
15-25's max no breathing on 45sec
5- 50's hard on 1:15 coming in under 35
4-100 negative split (1;30, 1:28, 1:26, 1:23)
easy 200. shoulder were tired by this stage.
Bike (1:23), 38km, av hr 116bpm. Rode easy to Aet most of the way. Did some TT efforts (Impace) at the end and finished off with 4 stomps, new PB is now 48.3kph.
Feet felt very good.
Massage (1hr). Toe problem felt really good today, but my left PF is still killing to have massaged. I'm starting to think the arch support on the left side is too high.
Swim (50min), 2.5km,
20min free mix of aet and mod-hard
15min drill
10-50 hard keeping everything under 40sec. 20sec RI
200 mod-hard
200 cool down
Bike: (1:40), 45km. 115bpm. Easy to Aet ride.
Swim (3km), 50min. Kamakura swim race
Had a great swim. Managed to get into the front pack after but 500m. I had to work hard to get up to them. Glad I did though. For the next 40min everything felt comfortable and I was holding feet the whole way. Worked past the pack with 500m to go and was in 2nd place. Took a wrong turn and had to be redirected back onto the course by a guy on a surf ski. I was in around 5th spot with around 200m to go. Kicked hard and moved up to 4th place. Very happy with my extra gear I have in the swim. Alot of srpint work has helped with the changes of speed and direction you get in ocean swims.

Bike (2:43), 75km, av hr 117bpm.
Very easy for the first 1.5 hrs and then we picked up the pace laping around the warf. Managed to do a break away with two other guys and I hit a new PB TTing at 48.3kph. We held off the pack for around 5km sitting on 45kph whenever I took my turn. It's the highest I've had my hr (177bpm) on the flats in a very long time. legs and feet felt great.
Happy days at the moment. My feet are feeling better.
I finally gave up on the home treatment and went to a Physical Therapist for my PF. I had a couple issues...muscular imbalances, pelvic tilt causing my right leg to be 1/2 inch longer then my left leg further inflaming my PF. They are using "Astym" to treat it and so far, so good. The PT said he has had good success treating with this protocol- do a google search, you may want to look into it yourself.
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