Week ending 15/10.06

Photo: Yeah thats my girlfriend Buns, running late to work as usually. So she decides to go aero in a vein attempt to save time on the bike. It didn't work, she still clocked in late.

Photo: Just another cazy design for a building. It's amazing what they build over here.

Photo: That ball onto top of this building is about 4-5 storeys high. I have no idea what it is for, but there is a pretty cool beach across the road. Open water swims may still be on the cards.
Goal this week is to swim 3, bike 3-4 and run 5-6 sessions. I want to get close to 18hrs this week. It will probably mean making sure I'm up early every morning this week. No sleep ins! keep intensity right down. I seem to be adapting well to this low intensity protocol. It keeps me mentally fresh and wanting to do more and more.
Week in review
lack of fitness still showing through. 3 hrs of training on tuesday led to a poor quality recovery run the next day. Training is not about how well you do on a single session, but how well you do with blocks of sessions. In this case, endurance, I would say is my primary limiter. Therefore, continue with the low heart training and when I'm recovering well the next day, then think about inserting either more volume, if time permits, or more Steady state if I can't get in additional volume.
things picked up throughout the week. Had a pretty good long ride on Saturday and an really good 1.5hr long run on Sunday. My longest run so far and no issues with the leg. The build is coming along very slow, but effectively, as I feel my pace on the bike and run are definitely picking up.
Run: (56min), 10.7km,pace, 5:14min/k's, av hr 128bpm. easy recovery run. Buns came along on the bike, distance accurate. legs feel a little heavy after yesterdays big day.
Run: (1hr), 11.5km, pace 5:13min/k's, av hr 126bpm. Peroneals were a little sore this morning, so I took 15min off the run. Lack of stretching after Sundays ride has caught up with me. Need to stretch, stretch, stretch.
Bike: (2:03hrs), 58km, pace 28.3kph, av hr 112bpm. getting very close to breaking 30kph @ 115bpm. This will be a big milestone if I can achieve this on any ride. Starting to generate some good power numbers with lower hr's. Rode the tailwind easy for the first 1hr, then did 2 x 20min effort @ 5-10bpm below Aet. Position feels good on the bike.
Run: (30min) 5.2km, pace 5:42 min/k's, av hr 127bpm. legs were a little heavy but not sore. Stretching helped settle down my peroneals last night. HR a little high this morning, probably still tired from yesterdays 3hr day.
Bike: (1.5hrs), 40km, av hr 103bpm. Thats an all time lowest av hr. Is it too low? Recovery ride today. feeling fatigued from work and training.
Swim: (1hr), 3km. 1000 free, 200, free, 200 kick, free, 200 stroke, free, 200 steady
300 free 4-100 on 2min steady, 4-50 on 55, 300 w/d.
Getting tired towards the end.
Bike: (30min) 12km. Ride to and from the pool
Run: (1:15hrs), 14km, av hr 132bpm, 5:21 pace. Run is exactly 14km according to Gmap
Ran easy out to the palace (25min), then Aet around the palace (25min), ran back fartlek (25min). Nice run this morning. Started out feeling like crap, but then came good after 20min. Plenty of fatigue floating around this week. It's a good fatigue.
Swim: (1hr), 3.1km. 600 free
3x100 build
8x50 form
300 free
(1x100, 1x200, 1x300) x3
10-20sec RI's.
back over 3k's again. Will try to hit 3.5ks in 1 hr before I increase my swimming time. Was getting tired towards the end of the set. Maintained Bilateral breathing most of the way. Sroke feels okay but slow. LSD pace is about 1:40/100m at the moment. Need to get that back down to 1:30/100m again
Bike: (30min) 12km, easy ride to pool
Bike: (5.15hrs), 140km, av hr 111bpm. (av power 219). Easy for the first 2.5hrs,then I did 1:15hrs of TT at lower range of Impace (ie 130bpm). Feeling very comfortable sitting on 35kph. Hoping top end of Impace (ie 135bpm) will put me at around 36-38kph. Legs were a little tired this morning. Heaps of stopping and starting with traffic lights was getting to me.
Run: (1:5hrs), 17.5km, av hr 128bpm. Distance accurate. Felt great running. Slept into til 9am, went for the run at 11am. Extra sleep helped with recovery. legs felt good running. It was good having buns come along to keep track of distance. good way to finish off the week
Swim: 2 sessions (2hrs)
Bike: 3 sessions (10:19hrs)
Run: 5 sessions (5:11hrs)
Core: 1 sessions (40min)
Weekly Total: 18:10
Goal next week:
Rest first 4 days. Do testing to find pace at Aet on the bike (20-40k TT) and run(10k TT).
Hey man...
I love the photos. Keep them up..I will never have to visit Japan!
I am assuming you will be running Japan in May 07? I look forward to watching your progress this next coming season.
That buildign looks like an erector set...
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