Week ending 18/06/06

Chris McCormarck on his way to winning the Honu 1/2 recently
Training has been consistent. I’ve managed 3 good weeks of running and I've decided to have more of a recovery week this week. As of next week I’m going to really start increasing the volume through frequency and plenty of low heart rate session. My goal is just to get comfortable knocking out 18-22 hr weeks without even thinking about doing any intensity work. Once I’m comfortable doing this I’ll then move onto the next phase of training, which will include inserting BG, hill work, and interval work at IMpace.
Total rest day
Bike 30min (14k). easy spin.
Run: 55min (10k). av hr 127bpm. 73% of FT. A good run. Whats going on. I should be in pain. My second run with an av hr of 127bpm. I never thought that would be possible
Bike: 2:30 (68k). av hr 119bpm. 71.7% of FT. Focused purely on hr today. kept hr below 120bpm as much as possible. Did 1x20min TT at 130bpm. Speed wasn’t too bad. Thought I would of only averaged around 25kph at this hr range.
Bike 30min (14k). easy spin.
Run: 53min (10k). av hr 133bpm. Running on IM legs this morning. Felt pretty fatigued and heavy in the legs. Hr was a little higher then what I would of liked.
Bike 3:11 (87k). av hr 131bpm. (78% of FT)strong westerly this morning. Felt a little tired this morning. Hr has been up about 5bpm for the last 2-3 sessions. Will need to back things off slightly.
Run: 1:16 (14k) av hr 133bpm. 76% of FT. right in the zone today. Had a good even paced run. Hr never elevated and I managed to keep the hr down on some of the hills. no issues with lower leg even the stretch afterwards felt pretty good.
Swim: 35min (2k). Belmore Basin. A bit chilly in the water. Hands and feet were getting quite cold after 35min. did 2 laps around the basin and then a hard effort out to the island and back
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