New Stead

The lovely missus has given me the go ahead to start saving up for a new bike. I've narrowed it down to two bikes at the moment. Which one would you choose????
I had the pleasure of viewing a Cervelo P2C last weekend and I was thouroughly impressed with the bike. I'm yet to see a planert-X up close but they do seem to offer a pretty good overall package.
Foot update
I've had 2 weeks of pretty light training and this seems to have helped me slightly with my foot. I'm running and riding again and it's only numbness I seem to be experiencing. I'm going to continue to increase the volume of my training over the next few weeks and see how the orthotics hold up. Fingers crossed.
Erm, I like the Cervelo just because of the steezy colors- are you man enough to rock pink? :)
Hey Paul
I like the Cervelo (dont know much about the planet x though)...What are you doing with the old ride? Bringing it back to the Gong mid year?
flatbickie (John & Amanda)
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