
Fluro's Ironman Training (FIT)

Face your fears live your dreams

Saturday, March 31, 2007

week ending 1/4/07

Well it's Cherry blososm time here in Tokyo. I must say the beauty of these trees in full bloom has definitely cracked into my top 10 list of all times things to see and do. The atmosphere over here is wonderful. People are partying under the trees and drinking a healthy dose of sake. Everbodies spirits are sky high and these trees are just breathtaking when they are in full bloom.
I'm about to head out on a 1hr run along the canal with the camera. Stayed tuned for some more shots.
Tokyo absolutely rocks around this time of the year.

Friday, March 23, 2007

New Stead

The lovely missus has given me the go ahead to start saving up for a new bike. I've narrowed it down to two bikes at the moment. Which one would you choose????
I had the pleasure of viewing a Cervelo P2C last weekend and I was thouroughly impressed with the bike. I'm yet to see a planert-X up close but they do seem to offer a pretty good overall package.
Foot update
I've had 2 weeks of pretty light training and this seems to have helped me slightly with my foot. I'm running and riding again and it's only numbness I seem to be experiencing. I'm going to continue to increase the volume of my training over the next few weeks and see how the orthotics hold up. Fingers crossed.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Week ending 18/3/07


Just a few more photos from our skiing weekend in habuka

I cut back on training this week and last week to try and give my foot a chance to take to the new orthotics. Hopefully, this will have worked and with a little luck I might be able to get my hours back up into the 18-22hr range.


No training complete rest day


Run: (41min), 8km, av hr 135bpm. Started out okay then the numbness kicks in at around 15min. By the end of the run my left foot was starting to really go on me. Didn't worry about going any further.


Bike: (1:25), 42.5km, av hr 134bpm. Straight into a solid ride this morning. First 30min were up to Aet. Then I did a 1 x16min TT mod-hard, 10min easy, Loop of the palace (8min) mod-hard. Rode pretty well this morning. Almost managed to break through the 30kph av in Tokyo which is very hard with all the lights. Foot held out til about the 1hr mark and then the numbness started.

Run: (54min), 10.5km, av hr 136bpm. Fartlek run. Feel good run up to HIMpace Include strides. Strides went well. Foot was okay today. Only numbness and not too much pain. Don't know why this would be.


Yoga: (1:15). Bit distracted tonight. Wanted to be everywhere else except at yoga.


Bike: (1:56), 51km, av hr 117bpm. My first ever ride in the snow. It wasn't much but it was still pretty cool. Fingers were absolutely freezing. Didn't effect my riding as the roads were still okay.


Total rest day. had to run student lead conferences at school today. too busy and a very long day.


Bike: (4:20), 115km, av hr 128bpm (max hr 173bpm). Very windy this morning. Meet up with some westerners today. Top blokes on awesome bikes (2 x cervelo P2C). We did 5 laps of the warf. The first 3 were cruisy then I TT'd the last 2 to try and catch the peleton up the rode. Foot was okay only numbness this morning.

Total 10:30

Swim: 0

Bike: 7:39

Run: 1:35

Yoga: 1:15


It's frustrating doing only 1/2 my normal week but I guess this is what I need to do in order to become healthy again.

two weeks of down time seems to have helped my foot slightly. I'm only getting numbness at the moment and not that hot burning blow torch feeling under my foot. I'll try and up my hours again next week to around 18 and see how my foot holds up.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Hard times ahead

Well appears my moroton's neuroma has finally caught up with me. Unfortunately, I now have to withdraw from Ironman Japan. The pain in my foot now only lets me run up to around 30min and I can only ride for up to 3 hrs before things start heading south and I have to stop.
The pain just becomes too much and it feels like someone is holding a blow torch under my foot.
I've had cortison injections and also orthotics put in with no success so far. I'm almost at the point where I may need an operation, but hopefully I can avoid that.
I will keep trying out other therapies and this will take time, so for that reason I've had to pull out of the Ironman. Yes I'm very disappointed about this, but Katrina and I agree that I need to get at least 12mths of solid injury free training under my belt before I can even consider racing again. My last two IM's were affected by injuries during the race and in training and I'm determied now to make sure this doesn't happen again. I think I have a good IM in me to come and I need to take on a better and more effective approach to how I train.
Talk soon.