Week ending 31/9/06

Photo 1
And you think your garage is small. I still can't work out how this guy gets out of his car, because on both sides he needs to turn the mirrors in.

Photo 2
This is the pool I finally found and guess what this is at peak hour 6pm!
Run: 30min (33:57), 5.7km, recovery run this morning. Lower back was stiff. Aim for frequency this week. Used Gmap to work out distance, not sure how accurate it is, but will stick with it
Bike: (1:40hrs), 47.2km, av hr 115bpm. Strong headwind going out (siiting on 26-28kph) and tailwind all the way home (sitting 37-39kph). Did 2 x 20/10 aiming for Aet hrs (130-135bpm). Feels good to be TTing again.
Run: (1hr) 11.4km. av hr 133bpm. 20min easy (126bpm), then 5min on (135-140bpm) 5min off (130-135bpm). Ran well today. feels good to be doing a few efforts at Aet. Legs are holding up well
Bike: (1:10hr), av hr 110bpm, av sp 28kph. Easy ride. Did a little TT work for the last 20min. Feels good to have TT bars back on the bike again.
Swim (30min) 1.4km. 400, 2 x 200, 4 x100, 4 x 50 all free. Working my way slowly back into swimming after a 2mth layoff.
Bike: (30min) 12km Easy ride to and from the pool
Total rest day
Bike: (4:40hrs) 131km, av hr 122bpm, av sp 28.1kph. rode as far as I could up the river. Made 63km before I ran out of bike track. hrs 1-3 easy, 40min at Aet -5bpm. 20min easy 7min mod-hard. Hit the wall at 4hrs due to lack of nutrtion. Need to start taking much more on these long rides.
Run: (1:20hrs) av hr 128bpm, 15.8km. Found the Imperial Palace today. 25min there and then 25min to run around. 30min run back. Had a few stops to take photos (check out blog). Other then that a good run. Having buns come along on the bike is a bonus. I get an accurate measure of distance.
swim: (1hr) 2 sessions
Bike: (8hrs) 3 sessions
Run: (2:53hrs) 3 sessions
Total: 12:23
A pretty good week of training. A little light on frequency but I got some good volume in with my LSD bike and run this week. My leg has pulled up pretty well. It feels good to finally be back in the water again. Next week I'll aim for more frequency and just let the volume take care of itself. From now to mid January will be all endurance work before I start my specific IM training in the lead up to Japan on 27th June 2007.
Well done Scotty H. A big PB at the Gold Coast 1/2 by around 15min. A 4:34 is a very solid day and you cracked the top 10 in your age group. keep it up.