5 weeks to Port

This photo shows all the orthotics and inserts I have been trialing over the last 18months to try and correct my poor biomechanics while I run. Over the last 4-6 weeks things have been traveling along well for me. However, as always the good times don’t last long and my metatarsalgia problem has come back. It’s ironic really since this was the exact time last year in the lead up to Forster that I had this problem. Hopefully, this time around I can fix it before the race. This will be my 3rd IM since I resume training in 2004 and I’m yet to compete without having some sort of lower leg injury to bother me. Maybe I’m just not cut out for the long stuff. Time will tell.
Last week was a bit of a disaster for me. My original foot injury is back. I picked this injury up in the lead up to IMWA04 and no almost 18months later it has come back to haunt me again.
After seeing the osteo he has recommended that a go back to my original orthotics and keep running. resting won't solve this problem. Improving my technique and efficiency will. The metarsal dome in the oorthotics is meant to spread my metatarsals out over a greater surface area and therefore in theory they should relieve the hot burning sensations I experience. Because we have addressed my shorter leg and I'm now running in more of a neutral shoe my peroneals, this time, should not flare up and become chronic. Lets see how this week unfolds.
Swim 3km 1hr. 6-150 drill/kick/swim. 12-50 on 55,50,45,60. 8-200 on 3:15.
terrible swim tonight. Had no energy. A bit mentally exhausted after a phone interview for job in toyko. Bailed out after an 1hr, after struggling to hold 3min for 200's.
Bike 28k 1hr. was meant to ride 2 hrs today, but my bike was making a very strange crunching noise. Turned around and went home as the noise was getting loude rand louder. Boy rain it rains it pours, what more could go worng. Left foot is still swollen next to the ball of my foot. Ice ice baby!
Run 9km 42:30. Oesto wants me running. So I'm running. Rest won't cure this problem. Need to run to get used to previous orthotics again. Felt like a gazzelle today. It pays to be rested. Foot was good, not great, but manageable.
Bike 65k 2:10. did 2x20k TT @ Impace from Puckeys bridge to start of sea cliff bridge. 2min RI. times were 37min exactly for both TT's. Kept hr very controlled today. Aim was to keep hr around the 130-135bpm. This puts me right on 36kph on the flats. Let hr climb to mid 140's on the hills. Legs felt good. Times are the same as 6months ago, however, av hrs are 10bpm lower.
Bike 15km 30min. recovery spin.
Bike 120km 4:21 (av hr 126bpm).met scott at 5am. Will did 6/6/6 (st/bg/TT). Felt good this morning on the bike. legs were good on the hills and good hold a solid pace on the flats. Pace was good throughout the ride, although we did need to stop a few times (flats, toilet etc). Riding on fresh legs is a bonus or maybe I'm starting to peak. Not sure yet.
Run 10km 46:20 (av hr 143bpm). Ran at Aet. pace is excellent at the moment, but my foot is still burning gradually more and more. I don't think I could of run much more then an 1hr
1st 5km= 23:31, 2nd 5km= 22:50
Swim 3km 1hr (av hr 119bpm). quality swim session today. Most efforts were above Impace. Did alot of chasing after letting the others start before me. Stroke feels good. it helps swimming 3 PW.
Total 12hrs. Down about 2 hrs with running due to foot problem
ICE ICE ICE Pack your foot in ice 3 times a day and after every run. ICE ICE ICE it works it works
Id be ditching that last 30k run and split it into say a 20 am 10 pm - try and find some grass or dirt to do it on so as to give your foot a break
Thanks for the tip. I'll definitely start icing it as much as possible.
Splitting the long run up, sounds like a good option too
were you riding mt keira this morning?
thought i saw someone who vaguely resembled you...
No it wasn't me. My bike was in getting serviced. Had a minor problem with the BB.
How far did you end up riding?
We wanted to climb Mt Kembla but that road is closed so we turned around and went very very hard up mt keira - we then decided that wasn't hard enough and climbed up to the lookout... that finished the legs off nicely :)
Lots of people scaling keira this morning.
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