
Fluro's Ironman Training (FIT)

Face your fears live your dreams

Saturday, December 23, 2006


G'day Everyone,

Just a quick hello to say that everything is going well in Vietnam. katrina and I are 2 weeks into a 4 week journey.

We started out in Saigon and we are currently making our way up the east coast towards Ha Noi. We were both pretty sick for the first week with the travellers bug but now we are okay. I couldn't do any running what so ever for that 1st week. I was literally 'da thunder from downunder'.

Started running again this week and the scenery is pretty cool. Went for a great run yesterday through some rice fields, found a tomb in the middle of nowhere, sat down, watched the sun go down and then ventured back into town through a maze on paths. Photos will come once I'm back in Tokyo.

Katrina and I are currently in Hoi-an getting clothes made up. 1 suit only costs $20.00 US to be custom made. Things are soo cheap here. Hoi-an is beautiful historical town and a welcome relief from the hussle and bussle of Saigon.

Talk soon


Thursday, December 07, 2006

Week ending 10/12/06

If it wasn't for my new Pearl Izumi riding top, there would of been no way I would of ridden this morning in 2 degrees. Don't I just look soo warm after spending 2hrs in the saddle?

The goal this week is to get through as much training as possible before Katrina and I head off to Vietnam. We will be there travelling around for 4 weeks, so I guess I won't be able to do any riding or swimming. With that in mind, my aim will be to put together a solid 4 week run block.

Bike: W/T. (1:01hrs), 25.8km, av hr 116bpm. Rode 20min easy. then did 6 x 2min of high cadence work with a 3min RI. Hr was rising up to around 145bpm. Used a 39/15 approx and was sitting on 100-105rpm. It actually felt like it was getting easier the more I did.

Bike x 2. (40min) easy ride as a warmup and cool down to the track.
Run: (49:11), 10km, av hr 145bpm. A big PB today by 2min over the same test 6 weeks ago. I didn't expect this sort of improvement, especially after having 10 days off after my operation.
Here are my splits for each 800m
G'day Scott,

I did my 10k test this morning. Woke up at 4:30am rode to the dirt track (20min away). It was 3 degrees. It was icey cold. After the test my bike was covered in ice. Anyway, I used the 20min ride to the track as my warmup. Started the test 5:30 in complete darkness. It doesn't get light to around 6:30 am here now.

results. A new PB. I'm now down to 49:11. I'm stoked. That 2 min fatser then 6weeks ago . I didn't think I would be that much quicker. Here are my splits

Aet hr 145bpm.

3.48 (139)
3:46 (140)
3:53 (146)
3:56 (146)
3:57 (140)
3:58 (143)
3:57 (145)
3:58 (145)
3:58 (146)
3:58 (147)
3:58 (147)
3:59 (147)
2:00 (146)
Time: 49:11, Aet pace is now 4:55min/K
8mths ago my Aet pace was 5:40min/k, 6weeks ago my Aet pace was 5:10min/k. The focus on high frequency, low heart rate training and being very consistent is really starting to show through.

No training today. Docs appointment.

Bike: (2hrs), 54km, av hr 124bpm. Strength work today. Rode easy for the 1st hr then did 3x6min BG. Tried to keep watts around 30-40 higher then IMwatts. The rest of the ride was easy to Aet



Flying out to Vietnam for 4 weeks. Start 4 week running block.


Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Aet Test No 2

Am I happy to be alive? Yes I certainly am.

What a beautiful morning, all 3 degress of it

I wish every run I did was a PB.

Katrina wanted to take these photos to show what SHE has to put up with everytime I come home from a good training session. I love off loading times, av sp, repeats, intervals etc to her even though she has no idea what I'm talking about. She swears that I'm living in my own little world at times. I do love the fact that she always takes the time to listen to my mindless jargon.

Well I did it and as you can see by the photos I'm pretty happy about the fact that I did a PB by 2min. My time for the 10k run on the track at Aet (top of zone 1) was 49:11 sec. Thats gives me a pace of 4:55 at Aet now.

Aet hr 145bpm.

800m splits
3.48 (139)
3:46 (140)
3:53 (146)
3:56 (146)
3:57 (140)
3:58 (143)
3:57 (145)
3:58 (145)
3:58 (146)
3:58 (147)
3:58 (147)
3:59 (147)
2:00 (146)
Time: 49:11, Aet pace is now 4:55min/K
8 mths ago my Aet pace was 5:40min/k, 6 weeks ago my Aet pace was 5:10min/k.
The focus on high frequency, low heart rate training and being very consistent is really starting to show through.

How will I know when to change my training protocol??? Well when I do a test and don't see an improvement then I'll know that I'm ready to insert greater periods of time running at Aet and MSS. At this stage all my improvements are coming from consistently running well under Aet ie around 125-135bpm. Knowing that I have Aet running and MSS running to fall back on is agreat way to break through plateaus.

A big thanks to KP, Gordo and Mitch for all their sound advice and regularly replying to my questions.

I hope this information helps and supports the ideas that I believe in when it comes IM training.

flying fluro ;-)

Sunday, December 03, 2006

week ending 3/12/06

A tough week this week. Tokyo is starting to get very cold and a had to write up my school reports, which took around 15-20hrs. I managed to put together a little over 15hrs this week and I kept up with my two key sessions. The long bike and long run.
Next week I’ll be putting in more of a bike focus as Katrina and I leave for Vietnam on Sunday and we’ll be travelling for 4weeks. Therefore, I won’t be able to ride and my aim will be to just run as often as I can. I’m going to aim for around 6hrs PW and see what happens. My goal is to be able to run 1 week close to 9-10hrs. The intensity will be right down on all sessions and the volume will be right up.

Rest day

Bike: (2hrs), W/T, av hr 127bpm. (76%@FT). Did 1 hr easy then 30min of ST/BG/normal x 90sec each, continuous cycle. Followed this up with 10min TT at IMpace. Rode out to 2hrs. This is my longest W/T session ever. I used 1657 Kcal, which is the equivalent to around 2:45 on the rode.
Run: (27:58), 5.8km, av hr 141bpm. (81%@FT). Felt great running today. This is my first run back under 5min/ks, but this time my hr is now right on Aet and around 5-8bpm lower then this time last year. All the endurance work is paying off. Ran before the W/T session today as there was a small break in the weather so I took advantage of it.

Run: (1:12), 14km, av hr 136bpm. (78%@FT). Ran out to and aorund the Imperial palace. Broke the run into 1/3's. 1st easy, 2nd at IMeffort, 3rd Aet with the aim of an even split with the 1st. results= 23:56(128bpm), 25:07(143bpm), 23:02(37bpm). Good run. definitely was running on IM legs in that last 1/3rd. Glad I did this as a PM run

Bike: (1:50) av hr 116bpm. This was a quality ride today. The power was up and the hr was down. I really felt like I was moving along well with a very low RPE. Resisted the urge to TT. I'll save that one for Sat. Starting to think 2 wks of w/t work is showing through in terms of pedalling efficiency.

Run: (1hr), 11.2km, av hr 133bpm. Did a very easy aerobic maintenance run today. Little fatigue lingering around after tuesdays and wednesdays session.

Bike: (1:56), av hr 107bpm, av sp 25kph. Aerobic maintenance session this morning. It was freezing. Need to purchase more winter protection (ie jacket, better gloves, booties, hoods)
Run: (1:40), 19km, av hr 131bpm. ran well tonight. needed the thermal top. pace was even and the break at the lights helped settle down my left leg which enabled me to run as far as I did. Longest run to date and I stay with this distance until I'm completely comfortable with this run.

Bike: (5hrs), No hr. av power 222. Freezing again this morning. So much so my hr monitor had a dummy spit. Found a new route today. it takes about 45min to get out of the city (av sp 22kph with all the lights), then I'm able to get a pretty good run, lights only every 5k or so, until I return. Did 2 x20min TT on RPE. felt strong here and was comfortable holding 35-38kph. In the last hour I did BG work on all the bridges. By the end of this my legs were feeling pretty tired.

Swim: 0
Bike: 11hrs
Run: 4:20hrs

Total: 15hrs

Well down Steve Newman. A 9:45 at IMWA is a quality effort.
