IMOZ05 race report

My plan at IMOZ this year was to break 10hrs. I did IMWA in 10.06 (57/5.11/3.58) and thought that I would have a good shot at breaking the 10hr barrier. After IMWA I decided I could make the biggest gains by improving my Bike ME and to run more frequently. My aim at Forster was to swim the same time and bike the same time, but at a more comfortable pace. For the run I decided to aim for a 3.30-3.40 marathon. After a 4 week break from IMWA I kicked off my plan with the decision to start running 5-6 times pw. Things to my suprise progressed really well. After about 10-12 weeks it became very comfortable for me to hold sub 5min k's. In fact I was running around 4.30-4.40min k's at Aet. I was starting to believe I had a real shot at running a 3.30 marathon which is 5 min k pace. At 4 weeks out from IMOZ I entered a HIM in Canberra. Had a good swim and a good bike. When I reached the 10km mark of the run, my feet began to burn. Whenever I ran up a hill the pain was 10 fold and I couldn't work out why. By the time I finished the run it felt like someone had a blow torch directed towards my toes. I have never been in so much pain. The following week I booked into a foot podiatrist and was diagnosed with Metatarsalgia.(a result of having a really high arch and wide foot) I had some orthotics made up and was limited to running only 30min 3 times pw. I was still detemined to race and race well.Race day reportSwim 57min.Perfect just what I wanted. No troubles, held my line, found some feet and tried to maintain a close, level but good distance from a swimmer on my breathing side. Bike 5.19 (av hr 148, max hr 163bpm)Had a great first lap. Very comfortable, although it did take a good hour for my hr to drop back below 150bpm. The second lap was annoying, got caught up in packs and of 30-40 riders. I have learn't now its impossible to ride away from them as you eventually get caught again and if you let them go you get caught by another pack. I did get pinned for drafting and it was my on stupid mistake. It was at the 160km mark. I was tired I had my head down working hard into a headwind. I was on my own when two guys came past I ignored them and didn't realise they were unable to hold there speed. When I looked up they were there and so was a draft buster who was following them. I took the 10min penalty and continued on. Like I said it was my mistake and my fault for not maintaining my focus on the road instead of my hr monitor and being diligent right through to the end of the bike. Run 4.30 (av hr 135bpm)I managed to make it to the 2km mark and the pain just got the better of me. The blow torch was back and it was ripping my toes apart. I saw my girlfriend and family by the time I hobbled through to the 5km mark. I literally broke down in front of them. I was so distressed by this stage I didn't know what to do. It's the first time I have ever wept in front of my parents and I was trying so hard to keep it together but the pain was just too overwhelming. It was their journey too and I felt like I was letting them down. I stopped by the side of the road with my family and talked to them. They were very supportive. I decided that I must continue. I have never DNF'ed and I don't ever want to. I took my orthotics out and said to my family that I'll walk the marathon and finish this thing no matter what. Quitting is not an option for me. So I continued. I ran when I could and walked when I had to. The pain was getting worse and worse. At some points I couldn't even walk up a hill, so a walked up them backwards. It worked. I made it to the 16km and found a medical tent. I was no in some serious need of assistance. They couldn't help. I was after drugs at this stage. Anything to numb the pain. But there was no solution. So I just kept going. One step at a time. Each step sending a very acute distressing pain through my toes. By the time I got back into town I had completed 21km and had 21km to go. It took me around 2.30. My girlfriend had rushed off and bought some chalk and had written some very personal and encouraging messages on the road for me to read. It kept me going. My family were there cheering me on giving me every reason not to think about the pain I was feeling. I told them I would be at least another 2.30-3.00 for the next 21km. However, that wasn't to be the case. I don't know why but when I hit the 26km mark of the run. I found that I was starting to run again. I was even running further each time. The pain was starting to numb my feet so much so that I couldn't even feel them anymore. Why?? I have know idea. at the 30km I was literally striding out again back holding 5min k's. I can't explain how that is possible and I wish I knew why. I seems like I was able to work through a pain barrier. I was back and I didn't have to walk once for the last 12km. My time for the last 12km was 58min. I got back into town and realised that I was now about 1hr ahead of what I told my girlfriend and family. Yet you know what, they were there at the finish waiting for me. Never have I been through such an emotional experience and to be able to share the experience with those I love has made it one of the most memorable days of my life. My goal next year is to have another go at qualifying for Hawaii. Aim high

The morning of the race. It ended up being a very long and eventful day.
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