All I can say is that this was an awesome cultural experience. We sat and stared in awe at how big, how strong and how intriguing this wonderful sport of Sumo is.

MondayRun: (1hr), 12km, av hr 135bpm (Zone1)
10min easy
20min Aet (zone 2)
20min fartlek (short and fast) (zone 3)
10min LS
Good solid run.
TuesdayBike: (1:03),28km, av hr 109bpm
That is a new PB for me. 2 degrees was the av temp for this ride. Sooooo cold. Easy spin
Run: (30min), 5.6kmm av hr 121bpm.
Was feeling really good in the legs tonight. If this keeps up tomorrow I'll run long.
WednesdayRun: (2hrs), 22.1km, av hr 126bpm.
My longest run in 18months. legs held up much better then expected. left foot wasn't the best but it was manageable. Pretty happy with the fact that I can run over 2hrs again.
ThursdayBike: (2hrs), 52km, av hr 109bpm
Decided to brave the cold and hit the road instead of the W/T this morning. legs were a little tired after last nights long run. Rode easy to LS with the focus on keeping cadence up.
Run: (30min), 5.3km, av hr 123bpm.
Easy recovery run around the canal. made sure I stayed on soft surfaces.
FridayRun: (1hr), 11.2km, av hr 125bpm.
Easy to lower steady run. Foot felt pretty good tonight. Running form was good. Holding up really well. 18 runs now in 18 days. whoah hoah!!
SaturdayBike: (3:45), 94km, av hr 109bpm.
easy aerobic ride in very cold conditions again.
Run: (33:12), 7.2km, av hr 146bpm (right on Aet).
ran easy for 15min then will did 1 lap at tempo (3.7km, 13:37) HR was hitting 170bpm towards the end. Finished off with David. We were moving along at around 4:00min/k. Top run
Swim: (45min), 1.5km
300 w/u
5-100 tempo +10 base (1:20, 1:25, 1:28's) Buoy
4-50 breathing 7 up and 9 back
SundayBike: (4hrs), 110km, av hr 110bpm
rode easy to Aet for 2.5hr
2 x 15min TT @ IMeffort (136-140bpm)
30min easy
10min hard (155-160bpm)
20min easy
15min TT @ MSS (145bpm)
Bit flat today but I seemed to get better the more I pushed.
Run: (30min), 5.4km, av hr 121bpm
Felt 100% was very tempted to go for an hour today but then rembered that I must be patient. This has now been my biggest run week in 18 months.
Things are good
Swim 0:45
Bike 10:48
Run 6:04
Other 1:00
Total 18:37
Another solid week of training. This is my 3rd week in a row now that I have continued to increase the volume. I’ll do one more big week next week and then I’ll have a week off to get ready for my bike focus to follow.
The highlight this week was running 2hrs. While my feet weren’t 100% I was at least able to manage the pain. It was hurting but it didn’t get progressively worse. It still concerns me whether or not I’ll be able to do an IM run with these issues. Once I enter my IM specific preps I’ll have to put my feet to the test then with some longer bricks.
I’m starting to believe now I might have to run an IM with a run/walk strategy in order to alleviate the pressure that builds up under my feet. This helps me a lot with my training. I like to run 9minutes on with a 1minute recovery walk. If I can just develop my pace enough so that I’m covering 2km in this 10minute block then I’ll be on track for a 3:30 IM run even with a 1minute walk. It is getting close. In training when I’m running just below Aet effort I can cover around 1.9km which includes the 1minute of walking.
Next week.
Break 20hrs of training and run over 80km to finish off the Run Challenge. Over the next week or so I’ll post on triathlog the actual sessions I’ll be doing in the bike focus for the entire 6 weeks. Join me if you like.